A Member of the Arts and Science Federations of Associations
1.1 “ASFA” shall mean the Arts and Science Federation of Associations;
1.2 “ASFA Council” shall mean the Board of Directors of the ASFA;
1.3 “The Association” shall refer to the Law and Society Student Association;
1.4 “Campaign materials” shall refer to any printed matter, paid advertisement in any media, emails, or any other object used to promote or oppose, directly or indirectly, the election of a candidate;
1.5 “Election Committee” shall refer to a group of students organized by the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) for the purpose of coordinating electoral proceedings;
1.6 “Faculty” shall mean the Faculty of Arts & Science at Concordia University;
1.7 “Members” shall refer to any registered Concordia student in the Law and Society Minor;
1.8 “Student” shall refer to any person currently registered in an undergraduate degree at Concordia University;
1.9 “Polling Period” shall refer to a period of at least one (1) school day during which the polls in an election will be open no later than 10h00 and close no earlier than 17h00;
1.10 “Public Notice” shall refer to the placement of posters in prominent view at Sir George Williams and/or Loyola campus, dependant on the location of the Association;
1.11 “The University” shall refer to Concordia University in Montréal, Québec, Canada.
2.1 Name:
2.1.1 The association created under this Constitution shall be heretofore known as the Law and Society Student Association. This designation is permanently immutable, and may not be modified by any subsequent administration/executive, at any time.
2.1.2 For the purpose of brevity, and for colloquial quotations, the Law and Society Student Association may be referred to as the LSSA.
2.2 Relationship to ASFA:
2.2.1 The Association shall exist as a Member Association of ASFA and shall be subject to the applicable policies and regulations duly passed by ASFA Council.
2.3 Objectives:
The purpose of the association will be :
To represent the students of the Minor in Law and Society;
To organize social events and create a spirit of community in the Minor in Law and Society;
To provide academic services for the students of the Minor in Law and Society.
3.1Membership Requirements:
3.1.1 Every undergraduate student, either enrolled in the Minor of Law and Society or serving in the Executive, shall be a full Member of the Association and shall enjoy the rights and benefits thereof.
3.2 Electors:
3.2.1 Every student registered in the Minor of Law and Society is considered an elector.
3.3 Meetings of the Members:
3.3.1 The general assembly shall be the decision-making body of the Association and shall be held every year before the end of March.
3.3.2 Quorum shall be 15 Members or 2.5% of total members, whichever is higher.
3.3.3 A Special General Assembly may be called, as the need arises, by decision of the Executive or by a petition of 20 Members or 5.0% of total members, whichever is higher. The Executive must make public notice of the special general assembly two (2) weeks in advance of the special general assembly, or in the timeliest fashion possible.
4.1 Purpose of the Executive:
4.1.1 The Association shall have an Executive to oversee its day-to-day operations.
4.1.2. The Executive shall be elected by the Association’s membership during the annual general election.
4.1.3. The Executive shall appoint two of its Members as signing authorities.
4.1.4. The Executive shall appoint VP – Internal, or any other executive member if no elected VP Internal is elected, as a booking officer.
4.1.5. The Executive shall appoint VP – Internal, or any other executive member if no elected VP Internal is elected, as a Councillor of ASFA’s Council of Representatives unless otherwise elected.
4.2 Composition of the Executive:
The Executive shall be composed of:
The President;
The Vice-President of Academic Affairs;
The Vice-President of Internal Affairs;
The Vice-President of External Affairs;
The Vice-President of Finance;
The Vice-President of Communications;
The Vice-President of Social Affairs;
MA Councillor.
4.3 Responsibilities of the Executive:
4.3.1 The President: The president shall be a signing authority and will be the main representative of the Society to its Membership and to the University administration. The President will also be responsible for the scheduling and chairing Executive meetings. The President may, from time to time, appoint no more than three students as Association ambassadors. The President shall be responsible for one of the Association’s bank cards.
4.3.2 The Vice-President of Academic Affairs: The VP Academics shall be responsible for coordinating all academic services and events provided for the Members. In particular, VP Academic is responsible for conduction weekly LSAT sessions.
4.3.3 The Vice-President of Internal Affairs: The VP Internal shall be the primary liaison between the Association and other Concordia Member Associations, clubs, departments and, any other Concordia University bodies.
4.3.4 The Vice-President of External Affairs: The VP External shall be the primary liaison between the Association and other bodies outside of the University. The VP External will also be responsible for initiating contact with potential speakers for the Speaker Series, for law school information sessions, and other such events.
4.3.5 The Vice-President of Finance: The VP Finance shall be a signing authority and will hold responsibility over the financial matters of the Association. The VP Finance will also be in charge of spearheading fundraising for the Society, drafting and submitting the yearly budget and facilitating the financial obligations and logistics of the LSSA. VP Finance shall be responsible for one of the Association’s bank cards.
4.3.6 The Vice-President of Communications: The VP Communications shall be responsible for the distribution of information to the Membership including but not limited to mailing lists, newsletters, updating the LSSA website and the creation of promotional posters.
4.3.7 The Vice-President of Social Affairs: The VP Social shall be responsible for coordinating all social events organized for the Members. The Vice-President of Social Affairs shall serve as supernumerary signing officer.
4.3.8 The MA Councillor: The MA Councillor shall be responsible for representing the Association at all ASFA meetings and is vested with full voting powers in order to fulfil their duties. Following each ASFA meeting, the MA Councillor shall report to the Executives on the content of the meeting, in particular, the matters directly affecting the Association and its constituents.
4.4 Candidacy requirements:
4.4.1 For the purpose of clarification, a student who is registered in the Minor of Law and Society or is registered in an undergraduate program in the Departments listed below, is deemed to meet the requirements to run for election:
Political Science, or
5.1 The CEO shall be appointed by the Association for an unlimited term or until such time as he or she is no longer a Member or resigns; whichever comes first.
5.2 The CEO may resign by notifying the Association in writing.
5.3 The CEO is responsible for the carrying out of these regulations.
The CEO shall:
Verify that all parties participating in the election must comply with these regulations;
Issue directives on the carrying out of these regulations;
Receive and examine the reports and returns transmitted to him or her;
Inquire into the legitimacy of the election expenses;
Propose regulation reforms to Council.
Provide any person who requests it, information regarding the specifications and the carrying out of these regulations;
Give public access to all information, reports, returns or documents relating to these regulations.
5.5 The Electoral officers include the CEO and, as the case may be, poll clerk whose services are temporarily required by the CEO for the purpose of administering the election.
5.6 The following persons are not eligible for the CEO or polling clerk position:
A member of LSSA Executive;
A member of the ASFA Executive;
A member of the CSU Council of Representatives;
A member of the CSU Executive;
A candidate currently running for a position in LSSA;
The Council Chairperson;
5.7 The CEO shall ensure that the election is properly conducted, and, for that purpose, shall seek the training.
5.8 The CEO may act as polling clerk or enlist the help of polling clerks.
5.9 The CEO shall also be responsible for the publicity of the elections and by-elections. This includes, but is not limited to, classroom visits encouraging students to vote and posters informing students of the date and location of the polling period.
5.10 The CEO may act as polling clerk or enlist the help of polling clerks.
5.11 The CEO shall also be responsible for the publicity of the elections and by-elections. This includes, but is not limited to, classroom visits encouraging students to vote and posters informing students of the date and location of the polling period.
6.1 General Elections will be held annually in the winter semester.
6.2 If there are vacant seats, a by-election must be held in the fall semester to fill said seats.
7.1 Every person who is an Elector is eligible to participate in an Election Committee.
7.2 Notwithstanding the foregoing, any election officer is ineligible to participate in an Election Committee.
8.1 Candidates for LSSA executive positions must be enrolled as registered Concordia students during the academic year in which they would be held to serve as executives. Additional clarification of a specific candidacy qualification is outlined at Section 4.4 of this document (“Candidacy requirement”).
8.2 The nomination period shall begin (10) Juridical days before the polling period and will end at midnight the day before the campaigning period is scheduled to take place.
8.3 Every eligible person may be nominated as a candidate for one office in an election by filling out the prescribed nomination paper with the CEO.
8.4 The nomination paper shall, under pain of rejection, be filled no later than the last day of the nomination period.
8.5 The nomination paper shall state the name of the candidate as well as his or her Concordia I.D. number, address, telephone number, email address, and the office for which they are a candidate.
8.6 The nomination paper shall include a statement signed by the candidate(s) to the effect that he or she consents to the nomination.
8.7 The nomination paper shall include the printed name, signature, and Concordia I.D. number of at least 5 eligible electors. Upon filing the nomination form, the candidate shall be provided with the following by the CEO:
a receipt for the nomination;
a copy of these regulations;
a copy of ASFA’s Annex C;
the dates, times, and locations of all information sessions as soon as they are organized;
a form to be used for the return of election expenses provided for by Annex C of the ASFA by-laws;
any other information the CEO deems appropriate.
8.8 The CEO shall have the sole authority to verify the validity of the nomination papers.
8.9 A candidate may withdraw his or her nomination by transmitting a notice to the CEO in writing to that effect, signed by him or her.
8.10 The CEO will notify the ASFA Vice President of Internal Affairs of the nomination, campaign and polling dates at the beginning of the nomination period.
9.1 At the beginning of the nomination period, the CEO shall issue a Public Notice to announce the holdings of a poll.
Such announcements shall include, as the case may be:
the offices open for election;
the place(s) where the nomination forms may be obtained;
the place(s) and dates fixed for the filling of nomination papers in accordance with Annex C of the ASFA by-laws;
the place(s) and dates fixed for the formation of election committees; and
The dates on which the polling will take place in accordance with these regulations.
10.1 The campaigning period shall begin at least five (5) judicial days before the polling period and will end at
midnight the day before the polling period is scheduled to take place.
10.2 At the beginning of the campaign period the identity of all candidates will be made public by the CEO.
10.3 The CEO will notify the ASFA VP Internal of the candidates at the beginning of the campaign period.
10.4 Campaign material may be distributed, posted, published, broadcast, or otherwise disseminated only during the campaigning period. If the candidate fails to respect this regulation, he or she will be disqualified from the election by the CEO and have his or her name immediately removed from the ballots.
10.5 No space or facilities used or maintained by the University and/or ASFA and/or its subsidiaries or its affiliated groups and associations may be used for campaign purposes by any candidate unless it is equally available to all other candidates for the same office.
11.1 No later than five (5) Juridical Days before the polling period, the CEO shall give a Public Notice setting forth the following particulars, as the case may be:
the designation of each office, for which a poll must be held;
the names of the candidates for each office;
the day(s), time(s), and place(s) where the polling station(s) will be open for the poll;
The particulars relating to the office and the name must correspond to those appearing on the nomination paper.
Poster describing the candidates’ brief political platforms so as to better informs members as to the candidates’ pledges and reasons for running for LSSA’s executive positions.
11.2 Polling for the annual general elections of the LSSA shall be held following the campaign period and must last two (2) or (3) Juridical Days.
11.3 Quorum is 15 regular members or 4% of regular members, whichever is higher.
11.3 Election to the LSSA executive requires a simple majority of the total number of valid ballots, for each executive position.
12.1 The cost of any goods or services used during the election period to promote or oppose, directly or indirectly, the election of a candidate is an election expense.
12.2 Only a candidate may incur election expenses.
12.3 The maximum amount of election expenses that may be spent by a candidate for a particular office is $20 and must be spent exclusively on posters.
12.4 Every payment of an election expense must be justified by an invoice showing the name and address of the supplier, the date the goods or services were supplied, and the amount of the expense.
12.5 If a candidate would like to be reimbursed for his/her poster expenses they must bring the receipt to the LSSA VP Finance and CEO.
13.1 The CEO shall submit the results of the election, including the ballots, to ASFA’s VP Internal within five (5) juridical days after the last day of the polling period.
13.2 In case a member association cannot provide legitimate election results including, but not limited to electoral fraud, lack of quorum, or absence of elections to the Chief Electoral Officer by the given deadline, the member association shall be placed under the trusteeship of ASFA’s Internal and Administrative Committee, who shall organize and oversee the hiring of another CEO to hold proper by-elections.
14.1 The executive is elected for a term of one year starting on June 1st and ending on May 31st.
15.1 A referendum can be called resultant from a petition signed by 5.0% of the Association’s Members or thirty (30) Association members, whichever is higher, unless a higher minimum is prescribed by ASFA’s By-Laws.
15.2 The LSSA’s executive shall give public notice of a referendum question at least ten (10) Juridical Days prior to the referendum.
15.3 The LSSA’s executive shall submit the referendum questions to ASFA’s VP Internal at least ten (10) Juridical Days prior to the referendum.
15.4 Quorum is at least 2.5% of Members or fifteen (15) Members, whichever is higher.
16.1 An elected Executive of the Association may be removed from office based on the following:
Recurring, unwarranted behaviour deemed hostile and or a threat to the welfare of students of the Arts and Science Faculty, and/or to Concordia University;
any violations of the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms on Concordia University grounds;
misappropriation of funds;
dereliction of duties;
violations of LSSA’s by-laws
Misrepresentation or fraud relating to the submission of the candidates’ nomination form, including but not limited to: falsifying the number of supporting signatories.
16.2 To remove an elected official from office, a petition undersigned by 10% of Members or twenty-five (25) members of their department to which they are representing, whichever is higher and a two thirds (2/3) vote from the Council of representatives; or a two thirds (2/3) vote from the Executive in question to then be ratified by the Council of representatives. Should one of these occur, the case shall be submitted to the Vice President of Internal Affairs of ASFA who shall then present it to ASFA’s Judicial Committee (JC).
16.3 The person to be removed must be given at least a one-week notice of the meeting of the Council of Representatives to ratify or vote upon their removal.
16.4 The person to be removed must be given at least a one-week notice of the meeting of JC that shall consider their removal.
16.5 The elected official being accused must be given the opportunity to respond to the accusations made against them.
16.6 A removal resolution requires a two-thirds (2/3) majority of JC.
17.1 Before the first regular meeting of ASFA Council, the Executive shall appoint one of the regular members of the Association to be ASFA Councillor for a mandate no longer than the end of the current academic year should one not have been elected. The two signing authorities of the Association shall attest to the appointment. It shall be presented to the Vice President of Internal Affairs of ASFA.
18.1 The Association shall adhere to all of the financial policies set forth in Annex B of the ASFA by-laws.
18.2 The Association shall adhere to any and all additional financial policies approved by a duly convened meeting of ASFA council.
19.1 When conflicts between these by-laws and ASFA’s by-laws arise, ASFA’s by-laws and standing regulations shall take precedent.